Whether you need to protect important corporate or personal documents in the case of a natural disaster, help safeguard your family against identity theft, or keep your business in compliance with security standards, Prominent has a simple solution to complicated issues.Contact us to learn about our HIPAA-compliant solution for the financial, medical, legal, and corporate world.
Features and Benefits include:
- HIPAA and GLB (Graham-Leach-Bliley) compliance
- Protection from information leaks
- Protection from malicious or offensive content
- Protection from Viruses
- Secure web and Outlook access
No two customers are alike!! Contact us for services and pricing.
We are committed to a level of service above the rest!
Prominent Technologies Support Desk
can be reached as follows:
Email: support@ProminentTech.com
Phone: 601-427-1001 x5
Web: www.ProminentTech.com/support
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